Friday, April 11, 2008

What in the world is Brent doing theee days?

As we celebrate our 25th Anniversary at KBB this year, many of you have memories of watching my kids grow up here in the store. Brent, now 23, was born just about a year after we opened the store. For much of his childhood, we had few employees, and he was my shadow as I waited on customers, picked up book orders, etc . He could often be seen playing with his army guys in the middle of the floor. Some of you remember his playpen being set up in the front of store (and some of your kids joined him in the playpen at times).

Guess what? Brent is all grown up now! He graduated from TCU in 2007 and currently attends Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas. We are also very excited about his upcoming wedding! He is marrying Julie Duhrkopf, who is graduating from TCU in May, in July of this year. They will live in Fort Worth where Brent is employed by Trinity Chapel Bible Church.

You can visit Brent's new blog called "The Open Dore" if you are interested in hearing more about his faith journey and other topics near and dear to his heart (including cooking and politics).

1 comment:

MePlusMyThree said...

I love his blog - great writer