Saturday, April 5, 2008

Bombay Briefing - Week 2

Greetings Friends,

Our second week in Bombay has begun so I'll send a little update. Mike stays busy at work and I'm shopping for air conditioners, mattresses and stovetops. (Holy Cow!! Literally. A couple of them are sauntering down the street outside my hotel window right now.) We think we've found an apartment, (new building in safe neighborhood, 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, walking distance to grocery and other shopping) but things move slowly here (just like at home, except here it's a third-world-country kind of slow). I'm going there today to check on the painters, get a little more info on gas hook-up for stove and plumbing for laundry room. I thought it was weird enough that we had to buy the stove, didn't realize we had to have the gas line installed also. Things that make you go Huhhhhhhh?

Otherwise, things are plugging along. We have picked out furniture and appliances, so as soon(or as late) as painting and cleaning are done, we'll be ready to have it all delivered. Sounds easy enough, huh? Still have to get dishes, linens, etc. and I'm sure that first trip the grocery store will be interesting. I'm just hoping to get Mike settled in before I go back to Texas on the 25th. It'll be close and we may have to adjust our definition of "settled in".

In the meantime, we're asking all of you to eat a great big salad and think of us. We've been warned to not risk eating any raw fruits or veggies, even here at the Hyatt. I'm about ready to take my chances. Once we get into the apartment and can wash it ourselves in bottled water, we'll be fine, but that seems like a long time away. Gotta go. I'll keep you posted. Big crunchy salad!!!!!

Love y'all,

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