Sunday, April 13, 2008

Think Green!

The 2008 theme in the book world is going green.

Katy Budget Books has jumped on the band wagon by recycling as much as possible.

We have a paper recycling bin that has its proceeds going to a local Katy Boy Scout Troop.

We also have a couple of very diligent employees that are making regular trips to a large recycling center with items from the store and from our homes. It's amazing how much less trash gets put out when we recycle all we can.

Today I was at the grocery store and used cloth bags for my groceries. (The hardest part of that is remembering to bring them!)

There are so many things that are easy and simple to do to help keep our planet green. Of course, there are several books written on this subject such as, "True Green @ Work, 100 Ways You Can Make the Environment your Business".

What are some of your ideas?


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